We appreciate your interest in Denver Children’s Home. We work with children who’ve experienced complex trauma, neglect and/or abuse and who are also living with serious mental illness. Denver Children’s Home is a Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility (PRTF) that, in addition to other services, provides non-hospital, residential psychiatric care to individuals between the ages of 9 – 18.
Our Approach to Success
Engaging the full system surrounding a child (family, caseworkers, teachers, etc.) including wraparound support for families through our Family Resource Center
Utilizing proven therapies like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), occupational therapy, and experiential therapies like art, music, yoga, and animal-assisted therapies
Clinicians are all Master’s level and highly trained in working with diverse and complex cases
Highly supportive and structured environment that helps kids understand expectations and limits
Encouraging and rewarding positive behaviors while maintaining clear consequences for negative behaviors
Excellent community support that helps our kids feel cared for and safe
To Make a Referral
We primarily accept referrals from human services agencies, behavioral health organizations, mental health centers, providers, probation officers, guardians, and schools.
Referrals may be made by completing the above Admissions Placement Form. After receiving the admissions inquiry, the Admissions Coordinator will be in contact within 24 hours to further discuss the youth and to gather additional information as necessary for consideration of the youth for placement or enrollment. Referrals will be reviewed by the Admissions and Client Services Coordinator in consultation with medical, educational, and clinical staff, to determine whether DCH is the right fit for the youth. Once all documentation is in place, if we feel that we are an appropriate support for the youth, we may schedule an interview with the youth and create a plan for admission. If we are unable to provide services, we will do our best to refer to an agency better suited to meet the needs of the youth.
*Please do not fax referrals as this is not a reliable means of communication for time-sensitive information.
Please Contact
Additional attachments or inquiries regarding programming and the admission process may be emailed to, or you may contact our Admissions and Client Services Coordinator directly at (720) 881-3338.
“The DCH therapist did a great job engaging the family and my staff in developing the treatment plan for the client. She worked with everyone to identify what they wanted in a treatment plan, what had worked previously, and, just as importantly, what hadn’t worked in the past. Thank you for being such a great partner.”
— Colleague from a County Department of Human Services, Children, Youth and Families Division